Family Promise of Wayne County

Family Promise of Wayne County is a non-governmental organization dedicated to helping children and their families move from homelessness to sustainable independence. Family Promise of Wayne County is affiliated with the National Family Promise, founded in 1986. An estimated 600 children in Wayne County were homeless in 2019-2020. Half of these children were under the age of 5. Family Promise is currently the only shelter for families in Wayne County. Families are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population and over 40% of this homeless population are families with children. According to the 2018 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress homelessness in NYS increased by 50% plus this past year. 12% of families in the United States are only two paychecks away from being homeless. That is one in nine adults and one in six children. Family Promise of Wayne County is a coordinated local effort that is bringing communities and congregations together to help homeless families regain their housing, their independence, and their dignity. The Family Promise Program of Wayne County consists of three very important components. The Host Congregation: We are partner with many congregations throughout Wayne County who continue to support our families in many ways. The Volunteers: Volunteers will help families with shopping, education of children, yardwork and donations. The Day Center: Guests will use the local Day Center where a professional social worker provides case management services. The program is designed to service up to four families at one time or a total of fourteen people. Each family must have a child under the age of 18. When determining whether a family is a match for the program the criteria consists of having the ability to acquire and maintain a job and stable housing. Each family will receive case management through the staff of Family Promise of Wayne County. Services will be delivered out of the Director’s office at the Day Center. The Care Coordinator will be developing individualized service plans for each family. The Care Coordinator will be meeting with the families formally once a week and informally throughout the week to monitor progress. Family Promise of Wayne County is currently collaborating with over 40 organizations throughout Wayne County. This group is continuing to grow. Examples of collaborating with other organizations include, but are not limited to, providing volunteers for the program, preparing meals, maintenance for the congregations and Day Center. Community collaboration is essential to the success of helping the families in need within their own communities. Our Impact: Family Promise allows communities to develop comprehensive, holistic solutions for families facing homelessness. Families come to us in crisis; our approach of coordinated compassion helps them rebuild their lives with new skills and ongoing support. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and churches were closed, our traditional rotational model was no longer a viable option to help those needing our services in the community. With a little creativity, some generous grants, and the cooperation of a compassionate landlord, Family Promise of Wayne County was able to secure four temporary apartments to safely house our guest families. Meals, transportation and hospitality continue to be provided by host organizations and volunteers. Family Promise of Wayne County was recently recognized by the national Family Promise organization as innovators in continuing to provide temporary housing to families in need despite the limitations presented by Covid-19. Family Promise of Wayne County has developed a tracking system that will be utilized and reported by the Director. We are celebrating our 5 year anniversary and Family Promise of Wayne County continues to have a 95% graduation rate of families becoming sustainably independent and moving into stable housing. The outcome of families being sustainably independent will be tracked at least twice a year by the Director and reported to the Board and Family Promise National. Families that have graduated will be supported by the Care Coordinator, delivering after care services for up to 12 months in an effort to ensure sustained independence.

We focus on: Human Services

Where we are: Wayne

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