18 Terrace Drive

Canandaigua, NY 14424

Generations Connection

Generations Connection joins experienced professional retired educators in Canandaigua and Bloomfield with our school children who have lost so much in the past few years. It is through relationships that we learn the most. Generations Connection connects our older generation with time and talents to share, with our newest generation, the children of the Finger Lakes Area. Our dedicated retired teachers donate their time, to help these children by listening, sharing and encouraging these young learners who have missed so much because of the interruptions, the masking, the uncertainty that Covid has left them with. The children, the parents, the tutors/mentors all have praised the program, and the help that the one-on-one relationship between the mentor and the student has done for them both. Please consider a donation to help us buy more materals and expand our program to benefit more children and their new friends, their very own retired teacher.

We focus on: Education, Human Services

Where we are: Ontario

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