1255 University Ave
C010 Lower Level

South East Area Coalition

SEAC's focuses on assisting neighborhood, business and other community groups on a range of projects. SEAC’s Pillars of Focus 2022-2023 Impact Summary POVERTY • Purchase over $1,000 in supplies and assemble hygiene bags for homeless individuals annually. SEAC created and distributed 335 hygiene bags this year. • Held three drives and provided monetary support for needed supplies for a variety of agencies providing crucial services. One drive gathered 750 lbs. of warm clothes for homeless shelters. • Purchased and handed out 100 $5 food vouchers for Foodlink's Curbside Market to Rochester Residents in need annually. • Handwrote and delivered holiday cards and Valentine's Day cards to 80 Veterans receiving services at Veterans Outreach Center and 30 cards to seniors in Kikrhaven Assisted Living. • Held food drive for Third Presbyterian Church Food Pantry, which serves 6,000 people annually. NEIGHBORHOODS • Participate in Neighborhood Association meetings. • Provide fiduciary services to community organizations and Neighborhood Associations, including insurance for events. • Participate in Clean Sweeps in a neighborhoods in SEAC's service area. • Provided funding for holiday decorations for a Neighborhood Association. • Worked with City of Rochester and Neighborhood Association to get a tree planted in area. • Participated in three Neighborhood festivals. • Assist in grant writing for a variety of neighborhood beautifications projects. • Partner with a variety of community/neighborhood gardens in area. • Partnered with Swillburg Neighborhood Association and provided fiduciary services for the creation of a steel statue of Blanche Calloway. Additionally SEAC provided funding for the statue's completion. • Held our third annual Growing With SEAC Ladybug Festival in partnership with local community garden and merchants. • Held Feeling Your Way: Gardening With Vision Loss at Krikhaven Assisted Living with residents in collaboration with 490 Farmers. • Advocacy of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion in our communities. CHILDREN • Awarded $250 scholarships for youths at Center For Youth entering into a vocational/trade program. • Held drives for school supplies for a variety of agencies, such as: Papers and Pencils and local RCSD programs. • Provide work and nonprofit experience for youth interns as part of the Summer of Opportunity program. • Facilitated and funded four Playful Sidewalks in our service area. • Taught a group of fifteen elementary aged children importance of gardening, healthy eating, and benefits of Lady Bugs at SEAC's Growing with SEAC Ladybug Festival. • Sponsored and provided insurance for ribbon cutting of the playground at Merriman Park in Neighborhood of the Arts. • Held art supply drive for School of the Art (SOTA) • Participating in Solar Eclipse program through Rochester Museum & Science Center (RMSC). • Sponsored five campers to attend Camp Hard Hat. Campers learn the fundamentals of construction and safety. LOCAL MERCHANTS • Attend several Merchant Association meetings in our service area. • Provide Fiduciary services to Merchant Associations. • Promote and share job openings for local merchants on SEAC's website and social media. • SEAC's program SEACing It Out, designed to entice residents to support locally owned merchants. 16 merchants are currently participating. • Assisted Merchant Association writing a grants for street beautification. • Collaborated on trivia night at locally owned bar, which is the oldest in Rochester. Celebrated tools, Rochester and South East Area history, and more! • Sit on local merchant networking group to build connections with other local businesses. • Provided insurance for Merchant Association street event. • Executive Director sits on Monroe Ave Merchant Association (MAMA) board to provide support. • Collaborated with Business and Neighborhood Associations to do a 1 mile long Clean Sweep on Monroe Ave. TOOL SHED (open to the Greater Rochester Area) Since opening the Tool Shed on Apri 4th, 2022 we have: • Enrolled over 438 members from over 39 zip codes from 4 counties. • Gathered an inventory of over 840 tools. • Rented out over 3,300 tools. • Saved Greater Rochesterians roughly $170,000 in tool purchases. • Kept an estimated 7+ tons of tool waste out of landfills. • Partnered with a variety of local community organizations, Neighborhood and Merchant Associations, private businesses, and other non-profits. • Provided tools to community gardens and Neighborhood Associations. • Provide free DIY education classes to Tool Shed members. • We have held 24 classes with nearly 100 participants. • We are developing a mobile unit of the Tool Shed, to get our tools into the hands of our residents and communities that face transportation obstacles. • And more as we continue to grow!

We focus on: Community Benefit and Economic Development, Human Services

Where we are: Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca, Wayne, Wyoming, Yates

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